UltraESB v2.0.0 - Release Notes

          AdroitLogic UltraESB

Copyright © 2010-2013 AdroitLogic Private Ltd. All Rights Reserved

** Changes for 2.0.0 ** [19-08-2013]
    - Introduction of deployment units and treating different dynamic sub contexts as different deployment units
    - Ability to reload binary jar files and classes in a deployment unit add or update, guaranteeing the atomicity
    - Introduction of the Metrics Engine and the new metrics related graphs of the runtime in UConsole
    - Introduction of the runtime environment configurations, such as development, testing, staging and production
    - In-factory proxy service for health-check is introduced to the UltraESB, with the ability to change the status
    code to be returned, via UConsole and UTerm
    - The message flow interceptor framework based on annotations allowing the users to intercept the message at
    request/response received to proxy, before starting the processing and after finishing the processing of sequences
    and endpoints without any configuration
    - The server interceptors framework based on annotations to intercept the server actions such as, initialized, start,
    stop or restart to take custom actions or change the configurations
    - Programmable API for managing the UltraESB programmatically, which can be used in-conjunction with server
    interceptors or third party plugins/features to dynamically build the ESB configuration at runtime
    - Concept of the FeatureInitializer and related engine extension initialization
    - Ability to add or overwrite an existing MediationSupport implementation purely based on annotations
    - Deprecation of the message properties and the introduction of the support interfaces such as HTTPSupport,
    JMSSupport etc to access transport level properties via an API, unbinding the user from the internal properties
    - File transport enhanced to support local and distributed locking to be able to concurrently poll files across a cluster
    - AS2 persistence layer has been improved to support multi-tenancy (Refer to Appendix C)
    - UTerm commands made consistent by making all commands subject first (Refer to Appendix D)
    - Configuration changes done on 2.0.0 release
        - Endpoint property to define the response validator as a class has been changed from responseValidatorClass into
    - Upgrade from Spring 3.1.0-RELEASE to 3.1.1-RELEASE
    - Upgrade from Spring Security 3.1.0-RELEASE to 3.1.1-RELEASE
    - Upgrade from HttpCore 4.1.4 into 4.2.4

** Changes for 1.7.1 ** [06-03-2012]
    - Enhancements to the Zabbix registration in UConsole
    - Zabbix trigger dependencies integration for monitoring
    - Zabbix screens integration for monitoring
    - Improved Zabbix registration templates
    - UConsole and UTerm extracted as separate distributions apart from being part of the complete distribution

** Changes for 1.7.0 ** [01-02-2012]
    - Introducing the new Mediation API with the support interfaces (Refer to Appendix B)
    - AS2 support overhauled
        - Improved and more user friendly AS2Manager API and error reporting and recovery
        - Support for any proxy service to accept or send AS2
        - Support to save messages and meta information to a database and file system
        - Support for improved sync/async MDN handling
    - Native AMQP transport
    - Throttling support for mediation
    - Protocol-Buffers based message mediation
    - Enhanced Zabbix monitoring integration
        - New Zabbix monitoring element registration wizard
        - Automatically creating the Zabbix hosts, host groups and applications as specified in the templates
        - Clustered registration of the templates into a single Zabbix server
        - Cluster graphs with consistent node colors
        - Improved registration statistics
    - Support regular expression based file path patterns for file transport
    - Support relative paths for processed and error locations for file transport
    - Enhanced connection debug logging for premature reads
    - Support restarts of services using JMS, File, Mail and Timer transports on dynamic sub contexts
    - Allow dynamic sub contexts to load/reload custom Spring beans possibly with the same name
    - Audit logs for the management activities
    - Upgrade from Spring 2.5.6 to 3.1.0-RELEASE
    - Upgrade from Spring Security 2.0.5-RELEASE to 3.1.0-RELEASE

** Changes for 1.6.2 ** [08-12-2011]
    - Improved file handling in file cache
    - Fix the issue with starting the sample configurations in Windows based systems
    - Enhanced logging to remove error logs, which are not errors from the ESB users point of view
    - Fix to stop the server if a compilation failure or configuration error is detected in the dynamic sub context at the startup
    - Fix to acquire the ZooKeeper session and close it properly in a startup just after an abnormal stop of the server
    - Enhanced JMS transport to simplify the implementation of Guaranteed-Delivery pattern
    - Improved REST proxying support when a JMS intermediary is used for guaranteed delivery

** Changes for 1.6.1 ** [24-10-2011]
    - Introducing the error description for errors mapped to the error codes
    - Improved Zabbix template registration making the process asynchronous
    - Introduction of a global endpoint "mediation.response" and streamline error handling when sending response messages
    - Improved UConsole Zabbix registration interfaces
    - Improved UTerm commands
    - Enhanced the HTTP/S transports

** Changes for 1.6.0 ** [26-09-2011]
    - Configuration update with zero downtime via JMX, UTerm and UConsole
    - Ability to pin proxy services to a given server name
    - Ability for a server to run as another and UTerm commands to start/stop server acting as another
    - Provide failover for failed nodes automatically in a clustered deployment
    - UltraESB minimal distribution artifact (nearly 6MB)
    - Improved connection debugging information
    - Improved UConsole settings to manage permissions
    - New theme for the UConsole
    - Configuration operations and server state commands added to UTerm
    - UTerm default print width changed to 120 characters and making it a configuration
    - Fixed the server startup and shutdown order
    - Improved logging
    - Improved Zabbix integration for monitoring
    - Enhanced AS2 support
    - Custom password encryption utility

** Changes for 1.5.0 ** [19-7-2011]
    ** Non backwards compatible change **
    - Ensuring consistency of properties used (See Appendix A below for the complete list)

    - Introduce UTerm the command line management terminal for the UltraESB
    - Zabbix Registration and Template management for instance monitoring
    - Logger and Appender management
    - RAM Disk based file cache for extreme performance
    - Connection debugging facility to show detailed information about connection errors
    - Allow configuration of conditions when a fail-over is safe for an endpoint
    - Better and improved handling of temporary failures of endpoints and subsequent suspension

    - Fix rendering and styling issues for Internet Explorer support for UConsole
    - Fix issue #17 - Implement a Graceful Stop for Proxy Services / Sequences
    - Bundle missing Jar file for XACML support
    - Secure JMX access to UltraESB runtime via UConsole
    - Ability to define servers, users and roles for UConsole access

    Known Issues
    - On IE web browsers the error code table and keep-alive statistics tables for the transport senders and
    listeners may not render properly

** Changes for 1.4.0 ** [2-5-2011]
    - Implementation of JSON management services and a Web based management console (uconsole) for the UltraESB
    - Support for centralized cluster management via ZooKeeper, with Round-Robin restart of the cluster
    - Support for local and distributed caching across cluster via ehCache - for stateful service state replication
    - JMX support enhancements using MXBeans
    - Native agent for reporting monitoring information to Zabbix monitoring console
    - Integration with FastXML to boost XML processing performance using libraries such as VTD XML
    - Dynamic configuration changes - Updating, loading and unloading of configuration elements
    - Preparation of a configuration before updates to ensure that a switch or load will work
    - Support for XACML for entitlement using PicketBox
    - XML / SOAP to JSON auto conversion

    - Issue #11 - Support for XML / SOAP to JSON conversion using direct streaming or XSLT
    - Enhancements to the SOA ToolBox (Save and restore configurations)

    - Support single addresses for group endpoints such as round-robin, fail over etc.
    - Fix SOAP header extraction to support headers without prefixes
    - Resolve WS-Security compatibility issue with .Net
    - Fix for NTLM authenticated connections without a zero byte expect 100-continue request

    - ** NOTE: Deprecated variable name **
      The variable name used for the current message passed to the JSR 223 scripting language as been changed to "msg"
      to be the same name as passed into Java code fragments. Please update any scripting language sequences accordingly
    - ** NOTE: Service URL pattern change **
      Remove default mapping of "<service_name>*" as the URL of a service (Note: This may require a configuration

                ** Changes for 1.3.0 ** [22-10-2010]
                - Include a temporary patch for HTTPCORE-239 until its next version is released
                - Issue #8 Support the creation of JSON Data Services using JDBC queries
                - Enhance the Mediation API to convert between JSON and Java beans
                - Enhance the Mediation API to convert between ISO8601 and UTC date formats into java.util.Date and
                - Add a sample showing the use of multiple JTA resources, and transaction semantic compliant file system
                - Allow response compression to be disabled, even if the request contains Accept-Encoding headers
                - Add a sample showing an email poll and saving attachments into the file system
                - Start sample Jetty server of SOA ToolBox on port 9002 for easy SSL testing

                ** Changes for 1.2.0 ** [24-9-2010]
                - Issue #5 Allow an XML message to be easily split with an XPath and parts processed serially
                - Issue #4 Allow the invocation of a sub-sequence during mediation
                - Issue #3 Provide the ability to log wire-level messages in UltraESB
                - Issue #2 File locking support on Windows
                - Issue #1 Support NTLM / v2 authentication for outgoing requests
                - Update Eclipse project file
                - Expose ability to invoke other sequences

                - ToolBox Issue #2 Provide an option in the Toolbox to turn on HTTP/S logging
                - ToolBox Issue #1 Add support for NTLM / v2 authentication to the ToolBox

                ** Changes for 1.1.0 ** [24-8-2010]
                - Release the source code under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
                - Inclusion of XBean JAR file to optionally configure an ActiveMQ JMS Server within the UltraESB
                - Added samples related to Email / JMS
                - Fix JMS listener shutdown

                ** Changes for 1.0.1 ** [7-7-2010]
                - Support for Gmail/ SSL authenticated email access options for the email transport

                ** Changes for 1.0.0 ** [3-5-2010]
                - Add a Quickstart Guide PDF

                - Enable deployment over JEE containers to tap into JTA transaction manager capabilities to
                suspend/resume from
                different threads

                - Add a JMS Client to the ToolBox for testing purposes

                - Annotate sample configurations for better understanding

                - Simplify execution of performance test scenarios

                - Simplify load balancing and failover for proxying to Tomcat servers with sticky session support

                - Includes debug information for Java code fragments to specify line numbers on Exceptions etc

                - Supports Basic, Digest and AWS S3 authentication for outgoing HTTP/S connections with pre-emptive
                support for Basic and AWS S3 authentication

                - Enhancement of the public APIs with many convenience methods - including support for WS-Addressing and

                - Support for HTTP/S cookie manipulation - reading and setting

                - Support multi-entity response streaming over HTTP/S with support for timeout processing and pre-mature
                entity close

                - Message splitting and aggregation support with timeouts

                - Introduces MLLP and MLLPS (i.e. over SSL) support for the Health Level 7 (HL7) protocol.

                - Introduces XQuery support using The Saxon XSLT and XQuery Processor from Saxonica Limited. The free
                and open
                source version Saxon-HE maybe downloaded from http://sourceforge.net/projects/saxon/ while the more
                Professional and Enterprise editions maybe downloaded from http://www.saxonica.com. To install the
                Saxon-HE library
                simply copy the saxon9he.jar into the lib/optional directory

                - Introduces Support for Json using the Jackson library

                - Various enhancements and bug fixes

                ** Changes for 1.0-beta3-b2 ** [18-3-2010]

                - Based on user feedback of the source code, the code has now been reorganized to clearly separate the
                public API
                into a separate JAR file. This will ensure that user developed code will not accidentally link with the

                - The API JAR is published at the AdroitLogic Maven 2 repository at :

                - The above change removes the static methods of the Mediation class, and makes Mediation an interface.
                An instance
                is now passed as the variable "mediation" into a sequence, and could be used to invoke the same
                mediation routines
                as before. Message, Mediation and Configuration are the main

                - The full public API of the UltraESB is published at http://api.adroitlogic.org/

                - The UltraRuntime project files provided to develop with the UltraESB are mainly tested only against
                IDEA Community Edition 9.0 - which is available as free and open source software. The Eclipse and
                Netbeans files
                are provided-as-is, and we welcome any improvements to them from users.

                === Appendix A ===

                This appendix describes the detailed renaming of property keys for version 1.5.0 from previous releases.
                The left side
                shows the pre v1.5.0 name/key of the property and the right side shows the same from v1.5.0 onwards.

                To migrate any pre v1.5.0 configuration to a v1.5.0 or later configuration, please refer the following
                tables, and/or
                request for free assistance from AdroitLogic via any preferred support chanel

                FORWARD_URL_POSTFIX => ultra.http.forward_url_postfix
                QUERY_PARAM_MAP => ultra.http.query_param_map
                HTTP_METHOD => ultra.http.method
                HTTP_SIZE => ultra.http.message_size
                RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE => ultra.http.response_status_code
                LOCATION_SWITCH_BACK => ultra.http.location_switch_back
                transport.auth.username => ultra.http.auth_username
                transport.auth.password => ultra.http.auth_password
                transport.auth.domain => ultra.http.ntlm_auth_domain
                transport.auth.workstation => ultra.http.ntlm_workstation
                http.auth.scheme.holder => ultra.http.auth_scheme_holder
                http.auth.connection => ultra.http.auth_connection
                http.auth.scheme => ultra.http.auth_scheme
                ultra.https.client_dn => ultra.http.ssl_client_dn
                ultra.https.client_certs => ultra.http.ssl_client_certs
                stripURLPrefix => ultra.http.strip_url_prefix
                wsdlURL => ultra.http.wsdl_url

                JMS_MESSAGE_TYPE => ultra.jms.message_type
                JMS_BYTE_MESSAGE => bytes_message
                JMS_TEXT_MESSAGE => text_message
                JMS_MAP_MESSAGE => map_message
                JMS_CORRELATION_ID => ultra.jms.correlation_id
                JMS_MESSAGE_ID => ultra.jms.message_id
                JMS_DELIVERY_MODE => ultra.jms.delivery_mode
                JMS_DESTINATION => ultra.jms.destination
                JMS_EXPIRATION => ultra.jms.expiration
                JMS_REDELIVERED => ultra.jms.redelivered
                JMS_REPLY_TO => ultra.jms.reply_to
                JMS_TIMESTAMP => ultra.jms.timestamp
                JMS_TYPE => ultra.jms.type
                JMS_PRIORITY => ultra.jms.priority
                destinationName => ultra.jms.destination
                replyDestinationName => ultra.jms.reply_destination

                FilePath => ultra.file.path
                FileName => ultra.file.name
                FileSize => ultra.file.size
                FileScheme => ultra.file.scheme
                OriginalFileName => ultra.file.original_name
                fileNamePattern => ultra.file.name_pattern
                moveAfterProcess => ultra.file.move_after_process
                moveAfterFailure => ultra.file.move_after_failure
                moveTimestampFormat => ultra.file.move_timestamp_format
                fileTimestampFormat => ultra.file.timestamp_format

                ultra.http.request_size => ultra.tcp.request_size
                tcp.snd_io_threads => ultra.tcp.snd_io_threads
                tcp.lst_io_threads => ultra.tcp.lst_io_threads
                tcp.socket.timeout => ultra.tcp.socket_timeout
                tcp.tcp.nodelay => ultra.tcp.tcp_nodelay
                tcp.socket.buffer-size => ultra.tcp.socket_buffer_size
                tcp.socket.linger => ultra.tcp.socket_linger
                tcp.connection.timeout => ultra.tcp.connection_timeout
                tcp.connection.stalecheck => ultra.tcp.stale_connection_check

                mllp.max_message_size => ultra.mllp.max_message_size

                HL7SendingApplication => ultra.hl7.sending_application
                HL7SendingFacility => ultra.hl7.sending_facility
                HL7ReceivingApplication => ultra.hl7.receiving_application
                HL7ReceivingFacility => ultra.hl7.receiving_facility
                HL7Timestamp => ultra.hl7.timestamp
                HL7Security => ultra.hl7.security
                HL7MessageType => ultra.hl7.message_type
                HL7TriggerEvent => ultra.hl7.trigger_event
                HL7MessageControl => ultra.hl7.message_control
                HL7ProcessingId => ultra.hl7.processing_id
                HL7VersionId => ultra.hl7.version_id

                protocol => ultra.mail.protocol
                folder => ultra.mail.folder
                concurrentPollingAllowed => ultra.mail.concurrent_polling_allowed
                processMailInParallel => ultra.mail.process_in_parallel
                moveAfterFailure => ultra.mail.move_after_failure
                moveAfterProcess => ultra.mail.move_after_process
                leaveAfterFailure => ultra.mail.leave_after_failure
                leaveAfterProcess => ultra.mail.leave_after_process
                preserveHeaders => ultra.mail.preserve_headers
                removeHeaders => ultra.mail.remove_headers
                mainPartIdentificationPriority => ultra.mail.main_part_identification_priority
                retainAlternativeParts => ultra.mail.retain_alternative_parts
                from => ultra.mail.from
                cc => ultra.mail.cc
                bcc => ultra.mail.bcc
                subject => ultra.mail.subject

                cronExpression => ultra.polling.cron_expression
                startDelay => ultra.polling.start_delay
                repeatInterval => ultra.polling.repeat_interval
                repeatCount => ultra.polling.repeat_count
                concurrent => ultra.polling.concurrent
                disabled => ultra.polling.disabled

                url => ultra.transport.url

                switchLocationHeadersTo => ultra.endpoint.switch_location_headers_to
                socket_timeout => ultra.endpoint.socket_timeout
                keepalive_timeout => ultra.endpoint.keepalive_timeout
                responseValidatorBean => ultra.endpoint.response_validator_bean
                ## Note that this constant renaming has been done in the 2.0.0 version, so anything on or before 1.7.1
                should use
                ## the old format of the property name
                responseValidatorClass => ultra.endpoint.response_validator_class

                SOAP_HEADERS => ultra.soap.headers
                MERGED => ultra.mediation.aggregator.merged
                EXPIRED => ultra.mediation.aggregator.expired
                AGGREGATION_EXPIRY => ultra.mediation.aggregator.expiry_time
                part => ultra.mediation.aggregator.part
                size => ultra.mediation.aggregator.size

                === Appendix B ===

                This appendix describes the detailed re-factoring of Mediation API for version 1.7.0 from previous
                releases. The left side
                shows the pre v1.7.0 mediation API methods and the right side shows the same from v1.7.0 onwards with
                the support interfaces.

                Support interfaces improves the usability of the API, by grouping the similar operations into a single

                To migrate any pre v1.7.0 configuration to a v1.7.0 or later configuration, please refer the following
                tables, and/or
                request for free assistance from AdroitLogic via any preferred support chanel. Please note that the
                previous API methods
                are still available as deprecated and planned to be removed in a next version of the UltraESB and hence
                migrating to the
                new API is highly recommended.


                setPayloadToSOAP11Fault => SOAPSupport#setPayloadToSOAP11Fault
                setPayloadToSOAP12Fault => SOAPSupport#setPayloadToSOAP12Fault
                isSoap => SOAPSupport#isSoap
                getSoapFaultCode => SOAPSupport#getSoapFaultCode
                getSoapFaultString => SOAPSupport#getSoapFaultString
                getSoapFaultDetail => SOAPSupport#getSoapFaultDetail
                getSoapHeaderAsString => SOAPSupport#getSoapHeaderAsString
                getSoapHeadersAsStrings => SOAPSupport#getSoapHeadersAsStrings
                getSoapAddressingTo => SOAPSupport#getSoapAddressingTo
                getSoapAction => SOAPSupport#getSoapAction
                getSoapAddressingAction => SOAPSupport#getSoapAddressingAction
                getSoapAddressingReplyTo => SOAPSupport#getSoapAddressingReplyTo
                getSoapAddressingFaultTo => SOAPSupport#getSoapAddressingFaultTo
                getSoapAddressingFrom => SOAPSupport#getSoapAddressingFrom
                getSoapAddressingMessageID => SOAPSupport#getSoapAddressingMessageID
                convertFromFI => SOAPSupport#convertFromFI
                convertToFI => SOAPSupport#convertToFI
                convertSOAPToJSONStream => SOAPSupport#convertSOAPToJSONStream
                validate => SOAPSupport#validate
                filter => SOAPSupport#filter
                remove => SOAPSupport#remove
                extractAsStringUsingXPath => SOAPSupport#extractAsStringUsingXPath
                transform => SOAPSupport#transform
                splitAndProcess => SOAPSupport#splitAndProcess


                convertFromFI => XMLSupport#convertFromFI
                convertToFI => XMLSupport#convertToFI
                convertToDOM => XMLSupport#convertToDOM
                convertXMLToJSONStream => XMLSupport#convertXMLToJSONStream
                validate => XMLSupport#validate
                filter => XMLSupport#filter
                remove => XMLSupport#remove
                extractAsStringUsingXPath => XMLSupport#extractAsStringUsingXPath
                extractAsNodeListUsingXPath => XMLSupport#extractAsNodeListUsingXPath
                transform => XMLSupport#transform
                retainElementAsPayload => XMLSupport#retainElementAsPayload
                mergeXMLAttachmentsUnderElement => XMLSupport#mergeXMLAttachmentsUnderElement
                splitAndProcess => XMLSupport#splitAndProcess
                createDOMDocument => XMLSupport#createDOMDocument


                isHessian => HTTPSupport#isHessian
                setCookie => HTTPSupport#setCookie
                getCookie => HTTPSupport#getCookie
                addPreemptiveBasicAuthentication => HTTPSupport#addPreemptiveBasicAuthentication
                getJvmRoute => HTTPSupport#


                convertXMLToJSONStream => JSONSupport#convertXMLToJSONStream
                convertJSONToStream => JSONSupport#convertJSONToStream
                convertSOAPToJSONStream => JSONSupport#convertSOAPToJSONStream
                convertXMLToJSONStream => JSONSupport#convertXMLToJSONStream
                convertToUntypedJSON => JSONSupport#convertToUntypedJSON
                convertToTypedJSON => JSONSupport#convertToTypedJSON
                processBasicJSONDataServiceRequest => JSONSupport#processBasicJSONDataServiceRequest


                isPermitted => XACMLSupport#isPermitted


                getISO8601FormattedString => DateSupport#getISO8601FormattedString
                getDateFromISO8601String => DateSupport#getDateFromISO8601String
                getSQLDateFromISO8601String => DateSupport#getSQLDateFromISO8601String
                getUTFFormattedString => DateSupport#getUTFFormattedString
                getDateFromUTCString => DateSupport#getDateFromUTCString
                getSQLDateFromUTCString => DateSupport#getSQLDateFromUTCString


                getLocalCache => CachingSupport#getLocalCache()
                getLocalPermanentCache => CachingSupport#getLocalPermanentCache()
                getLocalPersistentCache => CachingSupport#getLocalPersistentCache()
                getDistributedCache => CachingSupport#getDistributedCache()
                getDistributedPermanentCache => CachingSupport#getDistributedPermanentCache()
                getDistributedPersistentCache => CachingSupport#getDistributedPersistentCache()

                === Appendix C ===

                This appendix describes the detailed re-factoring of AS2 persistence layer DB schema for version 2.0.0
                from previous
                releases. The left side shows the pre v2.0.0 schema table column names while the right side shows the
                same from v2.0.0

                To migrate any pre v2.0.0 schema to a v2.0.0 or later schema, you will need to add few columns into some
                tables and
                change some properties of the schema too. All those properties are described next to the changed column.

                Please consult AdroitLogic for further support on migrating the existing AS2 system into the new

                PARTNER Table

                ** The Table name itself has been changed from "PARTNER" to "partner". Note the case of the letters.
                This change is only
                applicable to databases case sensitive naming. (most of the databases are case sensitive, including
                MySQL and many other)

                as2Identifier => as2identifier [This column is no more unique, the unique property has been removed]
                signMessages => sign_messages
                encryptMessages => encrypt_messages
                compressBefore => compress_before
                compressAfter => compress_after
                requestMDN => requestmdn
                requestSignedMDN => request_signedmdn
                requestAsyncMDN => request_asyncmdn
                asyncReceiptURL => async_receipturl
                messageSubject => message_subject
                encryptCertAlias => encrypt_cert_alias

                MESSAGE Table

                ** The Table name itself has been changed from "MESSAGE" to "message". Note the case of the letters.
                This change is only
                applicable to databases case sensitive naming. (most of the databases are case sensitive, including
                MySQL and many other)

                relatedMessageID => related_messageid
                userAgent => user_agent
                rawFilePath => raw_file_path
                rawHeadersPath => raw_headers_path
                containsPayload => contains_payload
                sendFailed => send_failed
                transportStatusReceived => transport_status_received

                === Appendix D ===

                This appendix describes the detailed re-factoring of UTerm command names for the 2.0.0 release from
                releases. The left side shows the pre v2.0.0 commands while the right side shows the same from v2.0.0

                The rationale behind this refactoring is to make the UTerm commands consistent across the norms. The
                change is mainly
                on bringing the subject as a first class entity to the command over the action. For example
                "list-endpoints" (previously
                action first - "list"), will be now "endpoint-list" (subject first "endpoint")

                Please consult AdroitLogic for further support on migrating the existing scripts using these commands to
                the newer
                | LONG FORM | SHORT FORM |
                | v < 2.0.0 | v >= 2.0.0 | v < 2.0.0 | v >= 2.0.0 |
                | S | list-servers | server-list | ls | sl |
                | E | check-server-state | server-state-check | chksst | sstchk |
                | R | start-server | server-start | strs | sstr |
                | V | stop-server | serve-stop | stps | sstp |
                | R | restart-server | server-restart | rs | srstr |
                | E | | | | |
                | N | list-endpoints | endpoint-list | lep | epl |
                | D | get-endpoint | endpoint-view | getep | epv |
                | P | stop-endpoint | endpoint-stop | stpep | epstp |
                | O | start-endpoint | endpoint-start | strep | epstr |
                | I | enable-debug-endpoint | endpoint-debug-enable | edbep | epdbe |
                | N | disable-debug-endpoint | endpoint-debug-disable | ddbep | epdbd |
                | T | reset-statistics-endpoint | endpoint-statistics-reset | rststep | epstrst |
                | P | | | | |
                | R | list-proxy-services | proxy-service-list | lps | psl |
                | O | get-proxy-service | proxy-service-view | getps | psv |
                | X | stop-proxy-services | proxy-service-stop | stpps | psstp |
                | Y | start-proxy-service | proxy-service-start | strps | psstr |
                | | enable-debug-proxy-service | proxy-service-debug-enable | edbps | psdbe |
                | S | disable-debug-proxy-service | proxy-service-debug-disable | ddbps | psdbd |
                | V | reset-statistics-proxy-service| proxy-service-statistics-reset | rststps | psstrst |
                | S | | | | |
                | E | list-sequences | sequence-list | lsq | sql |
                | Q | get-sequence | sequence-view | getsq | sqv |
                | U | stop-sequence | sequence-stop | stpsq | sqstp |
                | E | start-sequence | sequence-start | strsq | sqstr |
                | N | enable-debug-sequence | sequence-debug-enable | edbsq | sqdbe |
                | C | disable-debug-sequence | sequence-debug-disable | ddbsq | sqdbd |
                | E | reset-statistics-sequence | sequence-statistics-reset | rststsq | sqstrst |